Inglés – Formas Cortas

Algunas conjugaciones pueden tener formas cortas cuando van detrás de pronombres como I, you, he…

Ejemplo: I am ; I’m
También las podemos usar detrás de nombres.

Ejemplo: Susan’s had a baby. (Susan has had a baby).

Las formas cortas se utilizan en el lenguage coloquial y en cartas informales.

Verbo Forma corta
am (presente verbo to be) I’m
are (presente verbo to be) you’re, we’re, you’re, they’re
is (presente verbo to be) he’s, she’s, it’s
has (presente verbo to have) he’s, she’s, it’s
have (presente verbo to have) I’ve, you’ve, we’ve, they’ve
had (pasado verbo to have) I’d, you’d, he’d, she’d, it’d, we’d, they’d
would (condicional) I’d, you’d, he’d, she’d, it’d, we’d, they’d
will (futuro) I’ll, you’ll, he’ll, she’ll, it’ll, we’ll, you’ll, they’ll
shall (futuro) I’ll, we’ll

Hacemos formas cortas con pronombres interrogativos.

Verbo Forma corta
is (presente verbo to be) what’s, who’s, when’s, how’s…
had (pasado verbo to have) who’d
would (condicional) who’d
will (futuro) what’ll, who’ll

Podemos hacer formas cortas con here, there y that.

Forma larga Forma corta
here is here’s
there is / there will there’s / there’ll
that is / that will that’s / that’ll

También podemos hacer la forma corta de algunos verbos en negativo.

Verbo Forma larga negativa Forma corta negativa
is (presente verbo to be) is not isn’t
are (presente verbo to be) are not aren’t
do (presente verbo to do) do not don’t
does (presente verbo to do) does not doesn’t
did (pasado verbo to do) did not didn’t
has (presente verbo to have) has not hasn’t
have (presente verbo to have) have not haven’t
had (pasado verbo to have) had not hadn’t
would, can, must, need, should… would not, can not, must not… wouldn’t, can’t, mustn’t, needn’t, shouldn’t…
will (futuro) will not won’t
shall (futuro) shall not shan’t